Monday, November 26, 2012

Studio Class (Monday, 26 Nov 2012)

Studio class will be in Room 218 today (Monday, 26 Nov.). You do NOT need to bring instruments. There will be a couple of people playing, so just bring your brains and wit. See you soon.
Dr. Cox

Monday, November 19, 2012

Studio Class and Master Class

Since life has been so crazy the last couple of weeks, take some time off. No studio class today or master class tonight. On Wednesday, though, we do have the Brass Area recital and the trombone ensemble concert tomorrow (Tuesday) night, both of which are required. See you at your lessons.

Dr. Cox

Friday, November 16, 2012

Instrumental Workshop

Good morning everyone.

Just a reminder that today is Instrumental Workshop day. The times that I could use your help are as follows:

• 9:15-10:15 in room 157 - mouthpieces only!
• 1:00-2:00 pm in room 157 - BRING instruments.

If you don't have a class during those times, please be present at the above times - DRESSED NICELY. If you have a class that gets out at 9:50 am and are then free, again, please stop in to the 9:15-10:15 lecture.

Other times you might be interested in:
• 10:30 - 11:30 am - Faculty Brass Quintet - Staples Family Concert Hall
• 2:15 - 3:00 pm - CMU Wind Ensemble performance - Staples Family Concert Hall

See you in a little while.

Dr. Cox

Monday, November 12, 2012

T/E Ensemble Reh

I am canceling T/E ensemble rehearsal for today (12.12.12). I have an area meeting that I need to attend at that time. Tonight's dress rehearsal starts promptly at 7:00 pm with Prometheus. Dr. Mueller will be there, so don't be late. And if you are not playing in that work, I would still like you to be there in the hall. It is a GREAT piece and you won't be able to hear (and appreciate) it at tomorrow night's concert.

See you tonight.

Dr. Cox