Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Studio Recital Information

The Studio Recitals for the Fall 2008 semester are as follows:

Studio Recital No. 1: Nov. 2nd, 5:00 pm, Chamichian
Studio Recital No. 2: Nov. 9th, 3:00 pm, Chamichian

Please let me know which recital you would like to perform on. 1st come - 1st served. Once I determine a recital is full, then you will perform on the remaining one. The information I need to know:

Your Name
Composer Dates
Composition Title
Movement Title(s)
Which Recital - No. 1 or No. 2

Attendance at these concerts are REQUIRED - no exceptions!


Dr. Cox

Concert Requirement Page Updated

I have updated the Fall 2008 "Concert Requirement" page on MCTUBA.COM. Please visit this page to see which concerts you are REQUIRED to attend for the Fall 2008 semester:


Dr. Cox

Tuba and Euphonium Ensemble - 9.25.08


11:00 - Berlioz
11:20 - NDIB
11:35 - Little Monster...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble

Rehearsal schedule for 18 September 2008:
11:00 - Emeigh/Tubular Octad
11:30: - Dluzniewski/When David...

I am back in the office today. Lessons as usual.

Dr. Cox

Monday, September 15, 2008

T/E Ensemble Rehearsal - 9.16.08

Tuba and Euphonium rehearsal for 16 September, 2008
11:00 - Dotson - Galop
11:25 - Biermann - Brahms



Thursday, September 11, 2008

T/E Rehearsal Schedule - 9.11.08

11 September 2008 Tuba and Euphonium Rehearsal schedule:

11:00 Ashley Biermann - Brahms (everybody needed)
11:25: Reading of new transcription (Tompkins conducts) - CMU Alma Mater (everybody needed)
11:30: Seth Tompkins - Ludus (tubas only)

I will be attending the faculty meeting.

Thanks for a great studio party.

PS - we are in room 155, not 231.

Monday, September 8, 2008

T/E Studio Rehearsal

The order for Tuesday's rehearsal, 9 September 2008 will be:

11:00 am: Ben Dotson, Shostakovich (parts will be handed out at rehearsal - new transcription by Ben)
11:20 am: Eric Dluzniewski, new transcription - parts will be handed out at rehearsal
11:35 am; Adam Emeigh, Tubular Octad (Tull) - parts will be handed out at rehearsal

Central Foundation to play for Botanical Gardens

Central Foundation will be playing for the CMU Botanical Gardens ground breaking ceremony on Tuesday, 9 September 2008. The ceremony will take place on the west side of the Park Library. The ceremony will began around 10:15 am.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Studio Part - Wednesday, 10th September

Studio party - this Wednesday, 10th September 2008. 
Start time: 5:00 pm "ish"
Address: 5611 S. Leaton Rd, Shepherd

You might want to car pool to the house. See you there.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

T/E Ensemble Rehearsal for 9.4.08

Thursday rehearsal:
11:00: Emeigh  conducting Tubular Octad (all performers needed)
11:20: Dluzniewski conducting new transcription (all performers needed)
11:35: Tompkins conducting Ludas (only tubas needed)

These are all new parts and will be handed out at the rehearsal.
I will be at my Area Meeting during this time.