Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fall 2015 CF Auditions - tuba players, I have put a folder in your Dropbox with the CF audition music. There is also an instruction sheet in the folder. Let me know if you have any questions about either - Dr. Cox

Monday, May 11, 2015


Here is where we are with MWRTEC:
- The school booked rooms at the Holiday Inn Express right near the conference. You should be able to walk back and forth without a car to each place. I will be staying at a hotel 13 miles away (cheaper-I am paying for my own room), so I won't be in your hotel.
- The school funded three cars. You will be reimbursed AFTER the conference. I will have to give them a list of who drove, then they will send you a check.
- The SOM IS GOING to pay for the conference fees (actually, I am paying for them and will get reimbursed by the school). So all you really need money for this trip is food (unless you are driving).

- As to the concert, don't forget:
 - Men: tie and jacket (preferably NOT black and white)
 - Women: Pant suit for dress (professional attire)

- As to cars, you will need to work with Zoe and your driver on that. I am leaving Thursday morning for the conference. If you need me to take an instrument down (no room in a car), let me know and make sure I have it by Thursday.

OK, that is it for now. See you in Bowling Green.

Dr. Cox

Mirafone Euphoniums

I am missing a couple of Mirafone euphoniums and wanted to see who has them. On my list, I only have one person who has checked one out, but there are none in the storage room (there should be two more, but they are not there). If you have one and are not using it, just drop it off at the front office and leave a Post-It with my name on it. Also, send me an email to my account if you do have one.


Dr. Cox

Monday, May 4, 2015

Rehearsal reminder

Last MWRTEC rehearsal- tonight at 9:00 pm. See you there. 

Dr. Cox

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

2nd CF Auditions

This email is for you. Since Joey Woolcox will graduating this spring, the low tuba seat (Tuba 2) will be open. We will, most likely, be holding auditions during finals week. There is a folder in each of your DropBox folder that has the four pieces that need to be prepared for the audition:

- Russian Sailor's Dance - Gliere
- Power - Stevens
- Ave Maria - Bruckner
- Canzona and Song - Isaac

If you are interested in auditioning, please let one of the CF members know. Most likely the auditions will be on Wednesday of finals week (May 6th). But, if some of the auditionees are already out of town, then we may have to either move it earlier or later (first week of school in August). We would like it earlier, so that whoever wins has the summer to learn the book. Any questions, please stop by and ask me, or, talk to a CF member.

Dr. Cox

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Rooms for evening rehearsals

Rooms for the evening Tuba and Euphonium Ensemble rehearsals:

Rooms scheduled below:

April 26, 8pm-10pm - RM 156

April 27, 9pm-11pm - RM 155

May 4, 9pm-11pm - RM 155

Dr. Cox

Monday, April 20, 2015

End of the year concerts and rehearsals

Please get these dates and times into your calendars:

- 21 April (Tuesday) - 11:00 am, studio rehearsal, Room 155
- 24 April (Friday) - 7:00 pm, Studio recital - Presby
- 26 April (Sunday) - 8:00 pm, MWRTEC rehearsal - Room: TBA
- 27 April (Monday) - 9:00 pm, MWRTEC rehearsal - Room: TBA
- 30 April (Thursday) - 8:00 pm, Faculty Brass Quintet concert: Presby
- 1 May (Friday) - 5:00 pm, Joey Woolcox senior recital: Presby
- 5 May (Tuesday): 9:00-5:00 - JURIES!!!
          - Times assigned so far: 9:30-Bruce; 10:10-Razminas; 1:25-Westendorf; 1:35-Molands; 3:00-McCracken
         - The rest of you - PLEASE - stop by Dr. Lindahl's door and sign up for a time!!! NOW!!!
- 15 May (Friday): 5:30 pm - Mark Cox and Chris Blaha - shared recital at MWRTEC (BGSU)
- 16 May (Sat): 3:30 pm - BGSU _MWRTEC Performance!!!

As to the studio recital, I still need more information from:

  - Ciarra: Pianist???
  - Alex: Arranger/Editor???

I think I got everything. If I forgot something, I will email you an update as soon as I find out.

Dr. Cox

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Studio for 4/7/15

Bring ONLY your MWRTEC music to my office for studio. We will be singing our music to get the rhythms down. See you at 11:00.
Dr. Cox

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Scale Day Postponed

Normally I would never postpone such an important day. But with Ralph Sauer here today (former principal trombone with The Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra) giving a masterclass and performing for us, I want to postpone scale day to another day (TBA). So today, head to Staples at 11:00 am for the trombone masterclass/performance (no instruments). Mr. Sauer will be on stage from 11:00-1:00. If you have a class at noon, then you should go. But, if you are free at noon, please STRONGLY consider staying.

Dr. Cox

Monday, March 16, 2015

Studio recital info and MWRTEC update

Hello all.

I hope you had a restful and relaxing spring break. These next weeks will go by fast, so buckle up. Well, I finally got to schedule a studio recital for this semester. The date and time for the recital:

- April 24th at 7:00 at the Presby.

This is the final Friday night of the last full week of school. If you have a conflict, please check with it and see if you can get out of it. If not, come talk to me to see what your options are.

As to MWRTEC, I still don't know when the ensemble is going to perform! They made up a schedule last week and left OUR ensemble OFF of it. I wrote back asking why. Just a mistake on their end. But, I still don't know when we are going to perform. I sent a reminder email to them and am still waiting for their response. As soon as I hear, I send out an email.

OK, see you tomorrow at studio.

Dr. Cox

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Studio - 20 January

Everyone -
 Please bring your INSTRUMENTS today! We are going to be reading some of the music we are playing at MWRTEC. We are in room 230.

Dr. Cox

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Studio for 13 January 2015

We will be holding our first studio class of the semester today at 11:00 am in Room 230. Most of you do not need to bring an instrument. I have asked Brandon Bruce to play today, and would like one volunteer from the group. Please send me an email ( if you are interested.

Dr. Cox