Monday, November 29, 2010

Brass Band Personnel

After conferring with my colleagues and Dr. Campbell, I have finally put together a list for next semester's brass band. Since we are not having auditions this semester (we will starting in the Fall of 2011), prior brass band performers were placed first. The open seats were my decision and my decision only. I took into account a number of items before I made the placements. So, here is the list:

Baritone 1 - Ryan Grainer
Baritone 2- William Thompson

Euphonium 1 - Daniel Turchyn
Euphonium 2 - Danielle VanTuinen

High Tuba 1- Daniel Wilhelm
High Tuba 2 - Christopher Fenner

Low Tuba 1 - Tyler Dunham
Low Tuba 2 - Adam Graves

If someone from this list does not want to perform, then I will confer with my "waiting list." Please do not ask where you stand on that list. I will only use it if necessary. Don't forget, you MUST sign up for M281B for credit or you can not play.

For the auditions in the fall, we still have to work out the details. As I know more, I will pass them on to you.

Thank you for your patience.

Dr. Cox

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