Monday, November 26, 2012

Studio Class (Monday, 26 Nov 2012)

Studio class will be in Room 218 today (Monday, 26 Nov.). You do NOT need to bring instruments. There will be a couple of people playing, so just bring your brains and wit. See you soon.
Dr. Cox

Monday, November 19, 2012

Studio Class and Master Class

Since life has been so crazy the last couple of weeks, take some time off. No studio class today or master class tonight. On Wednesday, though, we do have the Brass Area recital and the trombone ensemble concert tomorrow (Tuesday) night, both of which are required. See you at your lessons.

Dr. Cox

Friday, November 16, 2012

Instrumental Workshop

Good morning everyone.

Just a reminder that today is Instrumental Workshop day. The times that I could use your help are as follows:

• 9:15-10:15 in room 157 - mouthpieces only!
• 1:00-2:00 pm in room 157 - BRING instruments.

If you don't have a class during those times, please be present at the above times - DRESSED NICELY. If you have a class that gets out at 9:50 am and are then free, again, please stop in to the 9:15-10:15 lecture.

Other times you might be interested in:
• 10:30 - 11:30 am - Faculty Brass Quintet - Staples Family Concert Hall
• 2:15 - 3:00 pm - CMU Wind Ensemble performance - Staples Family Concert Hall

See you in a little while.

Dr. Cox

Monday, November 12, 2012

T/E Ensemble Reh

I am canceling T/E ensemble rehearsal for today (12.12.12). I have an area meeting that I need to attend at that time. Tonight's dress rehearsal starts promptly at 7:00 pm with Prometheus. Dr. Mueller will be there, so don't be late. And if you are not playing in that work, I would still like you to be there in the hall. It is a GREAT piece and you won't be able to hear (and appreciate) it at tomorrow night's concert.

See you tonight.

Dr. Cox

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Night Masterclass and required concerts

Due to the craziness of the next couple of weeks, I have decided to cancel tonight's masterclass. With that said, here are the concerts/recitals/rehearsals you are REQUIRED to attend over the next couple of weeks:

- Today - 11:00 am - Brass Area recital (Drew Jones performing Robert Spillman's "Two Songs."- Staples
- Tomorrow (Tuesday, Oct. 30) -Dr. Lindahl's faculty - 8:00 pm - Staples
- Nov. 1 (Thursday) - Dr. Mueller's faculty recital - 8:00 pm - Staples
- Nov. 4 (Sunday) - Studio  Recital - 7:00 pm - Chamichain
- Nov. 8 (Thursday) - Dr. Bonnell's faculty recital - 8:00 pm - Staples
- Nov. 12 (Monday) - dress rehearsal for the Tuba/Euph Ensemble concert - 7:00 pm - Staples
- Nov. 13 (Tuesday) - T/E Ensemble concert - 8:00 pm - Staples (call is 7:00 pm)
- Nov. 16 (Friday) - Instrumental Workshop - times announced soon when you will be needed.
- Nov. 20 (Tuesday) - Trombone Ensemble concert - 8:00 pm - Staples
- Dec. 5 (Wednesday) - Trumpet Ensemble concert - 8:00 pm - Staples

And DON'T forget that we have only FOUR more studio times for rehearsal:
    - 31 Oct. (Wednesday)
             Rehearsal Schedule: 11:00 - Monochromes (Heinle)
                                              11:15 - Salvation is Created (Dunham)
                                              11:30 - Hide and Seek (Grainer)
    - 5 Nov. (Monday)
             Rehearsal Schedule: 11:00 - Pop Suite

                                              11:10 - Keystone Chops
                                              11:20 - Brazil
                                              11:30 - Old Comrades
                                              11:40 - William Tell
    - 8 Nov. (Wed)
             Rehearsal Schedule: 11:00 - Prometheus

    - 12 Nov. (Monday)
             Rehearsal Schedule: 11:00 Run-thru entire program

And the Dress rehearsal - Monday, 5 Nov. at 7:00 pm in Staples

PLEASE get all these times into your planners! Remember, if you miss a required concert, you a grade reduction!

Buckle up, it's going to fly.

Dr. Cox

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Movie night

Don't forget, tonight is MOVIE NIGHT at the Cox residence. We will start sometime after 8:00 pm (after the Phi Mu Alpha recital). We will be watching "Brassed Off" in 3D- staring Ewan McGregor and Pete Postlethwaite. We will have popcorn and soft drinks. If you want to read about it, here is the link to IMDB:

Directions to my house:

- Take Broomfield (the road just south of main campus) East (towards Midland).
- Go OVER 127.
- Drive past Summerton (stop light and Papa's Pumpkin Patch). KEEP GOING.
- Next intersection is my road - LEATON RD. - Turn Right (South).
- You will be on a dirt road.
- Drive PAST DEERFIELD Rd. - Keep going.
- We are the FIRST house on the left - which is about 3/4 of a mile PAST DEERFIELD.
- The house is white with green shutters. You will see a row of evergreens before you can see the house.

Our address - 5611 S. Leaton Road.

Call (989.828.6481) if you get into trouble.

Hopefully we will see you all tonight.

The Dr.s Cox

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Studio Recital Correction Sheet - HELP

One of you kept my studio recital correction sheet after t/e ensemble rehearsal in Staple yesterday. PLEASE, please get it back to me ASAP. Just leave it on my bulletin board, I need to make the corrections and send it to Antoinette TODAY.

Thank you,
Dr. Cox

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Recital Information NEEDED ASAP!!!

Hello all.
Today's tuba/euphonium rehearsal will be in Staples, so please DO NOT BE LATE. Also, please bring all MISSING studio recital information with you. I got a phone call from Antoinette upset that she does not have the recital info yet. So either bring the info, or, I will have to submit it with empty sections  and will let YOU deal with her!

Dr. Cox

Monday, October 1, 2012

Masterclass for 10/1/12

Hello all.
Just a reminder that we ARE having a masterclass tonight and that it is mandatory for all freshmen and sophomores. Juniors and seniors are encouraged to come. Tonight will be about mouthpiece buzzing. I will have a (extensive) handout of exercises for you. See you in a few hours in room 230.

Dr. Cox

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Studio Change for today (9/19/12)

Sorry for the late notice, but a change in plans for today. Instead of T/E ensemble, I want everyone to go to the jazz masterclass with "Spoke" in Staples. NO horns are needed. It should be a good (and interesting) masterclass.

Dr. Cox

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Okay, My last post formatted in a very strange way and the link to the Commandant's photo did not completely underlined. Here is the photo. They were playing the end to Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" with canons going off at the end. Every time the canons went off, he would raise his hands in that direction. The Marines now have a copy of this and forwarded it to the commandant.

Welcome to the 2012-2013 year at CMU

Hello all. I hope you all have had a restful summer and are raring to go. It was a good summer for the Cox family. We spent a number of days at amusement parks around the country. As part of Sarah's Make-A-Wish, we were given a "passport" to many amusement parks for a one day free entrance. So we took advantage of it: Hershey Park (PA); Morey's Pier (NJ); Santa's Village (NH); Michigan's Adventure (you can figure out where this one is located); and will end the summer with a trip to Cedar Point (OH) next weekend (Memorial Day weekend). During our summer vacation, we visited Washington, D. C. and watched both the President's Band and Commandant's Drum and Bugle Corp perform in parade-style at their barracks. Every Friday night, in the summer, from 1957 until the present, they perform these parades - it was magnificent! Here is a link to their page: If you would like to see one of the pictures I managed to get of the corp finale, it can be seen here: Though we did have quite a scare afterwards. While trying to hail a tax, this wall of sand and 80 mph winds started pelting us. We ran to the nearest subway, where the cops were yelling at everyone to get down to safety, and waited out the storm. After finally finding our way back to Georgetown, we discovered that this storm had been the worse non-tornado storm in Virginia's history. 17 people were killed, power was out for days, thousands of trees down, and some of the worse damage had been where we were standing!!! The rest of my summer has been dedicated to remodeling the house (excluding our jaunt over to Blue Lake for the Falcone competition). Though school is starting, I still have a number of items left on my "to-do" list. Speaking of the Falcone competition, I played the new Gillingham piece written for me at both the Falcone competition and premiered it at the International Women's Brass Conference in early June. It has also been chosen as the semi-final accompanied piece for the Falcone Artist Tuba in 2013. It is now published by C. Allan and is a wonderful piece!!! Guaranteed to be one of his big hits. I feel very fortunate to have had to written for me! Now, down to business. - I would like to welcome the three new freshmen to the studio: Noah Lapp and Nelson Gast on euphonium and Michael Woodman on tuba. If you run into them, please introduce yourself and see if they need any help. - Masterclasses start on Monday, 10 September 2012 from 7-9. I changed my policy for this year. Attendance is required of both freshmen and sophomores. It will be held in room 230. - Lessons - start tomorrow, Monday, 27 August 2012. The signup sheet is on my bulletin board if you have not already signed up for a time. PLEASE USE PENCIL when signing up. - Studio Party and make-up Kayak trip - TBA. I need to sit down with the marching band schedule and see if there is a free time. More on this soon. - New Music: I have a WHOLE bunch of new music for this year. A music store in Detroit went out of business and Marshall Music bought it all up. They had an 80% off sell and I bought a ton of it. I have several copies of the Vaughan Williams Tuba Concerto that I would be willing to sell for cheap, as well as a couple of extra copies of the Hartley Euphonium Concerto. First come - first served. - Studio classes and tuba/euph ensemble: The first studio class will be tomorrow in room 218. NO INSTRUMENTS NEEDED. Freshmen will need to go to orientation in Chamichian Hall (?) instead. The first studio class/ensemble rehearsal will take place on 5 September 2012 (11:00 m) in room 157. Bring instruments - we will be playing (and handing out) the t/e ensemble music. - Central Foundation auditions: I will need to talk to the current CF members at the studio class this Monday to see about auditions. There is a tuba position available this semester. Tuba players, if you are interested, please shoot me a separate email to let me know ASAP. Once I know who is auditioning, I will let them know what is needed of them. - Tuba Room Keys: tuba players, if you don't have a key for the room, let Scott Burgess know and I will get an email from him to verify that you need one. - Possible New Tuba: tuba players - last year I requested a new F tuba to add to our arsenal. The purchase was delayed for a year and we should be able to buy a new one for this year (as long as budgets have not been slashed too much). I came across a really good F tuba this summer and am thinking about it as our purchase. It is made, by all people, by Gemeinhardt!!! They are now making brass instruments and a good friend of mine is in charge of the brass instrument division (and design). He has an amazing line of elementary, middle school and high school tubas and euphoniums. He brought 8 different tubas and one euphonium for me to try out this summer. One of the tubas was an F tuba. It played great and was more than half the price of any other F tuba that I have played. If you are curious about it (or any of the other instruments), there is a poster on my bulletin board with brief descriptions and prices. Okay, I think that is it for now. I will be in the office early Monday morning if you need something. See you soon, Dr. Cox

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Kayak trip is cancelled

Studio, Due to the cold, cold weather, I am canceling (postponing) the kayak trip. I think we will try and do it in the fall sometime. Sorry for the late notice. Those that wrote checks, I will just tear them up if that is OK. If you gave me cash, I will get it back to you ASAP. Thanks, M.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Studio, A quick reminder - we leave the library parking lot tomorrow (north side of the music building) by 11:40 am. Please bring WARM clothing, plus a change of clothes in case you go in the water. The temp is going to be cold, but as long as you don't fall in the river, you will be warm. I would also suggest bringing gloves to keep your hands warm. It should be fun. I have been looking forward to it for two years (since we did not get to do one last year). See you soon, M.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Scale Requirements for 2012 Juries

For those who are taking their 200 and 300 level juries for Spring 2012, your prepared scales are as follows: 200 Level Jury: F Major C Major B Major G Melodic Minor Bb Melodic Minor E Natural Minor D Harmonic Minor A Harmonic Minor 300 Level Jury: Ab Major Db Major E Major G Major Bb Melodic Minor F# Melodic Minor C Natural Minor B Natural Minor A Harmonic Minor F Harmonic Minor I will have this list on my office bulletin board. Get practicing. Dr. Cox

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Studio. A "reminder" that the Chamber Wind concert is tonight in Staples. I did not make this concert a requirement because I did not know that the Faculty Chamber Brass was going to play in it. We will be performing the same music that we played in January down at the Michigan Music Conference in Grand Rapids. The faculty brass are sitting in the principal chairs with the other seats filled by students. Unfortunately there was only one tuba part and no euphs, so I am holding up that end on my own. Though not required, I would HIGHLY SUGGEST that you find the time to come hear the concert. The brass will be opening the concert with "Commemorative Fanfare" by John Cheetham and "Symphony for Brass and Timpani" by Herbert Haufrecht. The concert begins at the normal 8:00 pm time. Hopefully I will see all of you there. Dr. Cox

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hello all. Today, Monday, 19th March 2012, I will not be in to teach. I have to stay home with Liam for most of the day. I will be in for my 11:00 am area meeting (scholarship meeting), and then again at 4:00 for the Chamber Winds dress rehearsal. If you need me, try and catch me either before or after the meeting and rehearsal. I will make these lessons up, hopefully, next week. Tuesday will be a normal day. As to Wednesday, I will also not be in. I have a meeting in Lansing for the Michigan Humanities Council Touring Book (I have been an adjudicator for this group for 15 years and have to meet every three years to create the Touring Book) starting at 8:00 am and lasting until at least 5:00 pm. These lessons will also be made up in the near future. If you need something, please give me a call at home today. On Wednesday, I will not be reachable during the entire day. Studio still continue as usual. Thank you for your patience. Dr.Cox

Monday, January 23, 2012

Stdio is in Room 230 today (1/23). Performers are: Will Thompson Nathan James Chris Fenner Thanks, Dr. Cox