Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday night masterclasses

Don't forget, the first Monday Night Masterclass starts tonight. It is NOT mandatory, but I would love it if many of you came.

Time: 7-9
Room: 230
Topic: Introduction to Proper Breathing
Things needed: nothing for tonight

Hopefully I will see you there.
Dr. Cox

PS - invite any of your friends to come to these classes as well.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

CF Auditions

Congrats to the newest members of Central Foundation: Will Thompson (euph) and Danielle Van Tuinen (euph). Great auditions!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Studio party

Can anyone give Blake a ride out to the party? His number is: 989.400.5146.
Many Thanks,
Dr. Cox

Monday, August 22, 2011

Classes begin tomorrow (Tuesday)

Hello all.
Classes will back in session tomorrow (Tuesday, 23 August 2011). Studio class SHOULD be for everyone BUT freshmen (freshmen should have orientation). For everyone else, meet at my office (no studio hours are up yet - still a work in progress). No instruments. As to the rest of the week:

- Tuesday - Lesson are normal
- Thursday - All School of Music Convocation
-Thursday evening, starting at/around 6:00 pm - studio party at my house
- Friday - C. F. Auditions (time - TBA) for euphoniums (sorry, no tuba openings right now)

That is all for now. See you soon,

Dr. Cox