Monday, March 30, 2009

Studio Class - 3.31.09

Studio for 31 March 2009 is in room 231. The performers will be:
Dan Turchyn
Ben Dotsen

Tuba players - FYI - The BIG Denis Wick tuba mute has arrived!!! I will etch "CMU" on it and get it down to the tuba room tomorrow (Tuesday). Also, the Balu mute came in. This mute will stay in my office. If you would like to try it, come by and sign it out for the day. But for now, I want it returned before I leave for the day. It is a very fragile mute (compared to the metal ones).

Also - THANKS FOR THE ALL THE HELP YESTERDAY!!! It is so nice to finally have the barn walls off my neighbor's property. And, it was fun working with all of you. Danielle - did you take the field mouse home with you for a pet???

Dr. Cox

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Barn Razing II

Though it has turned cold and wet, it still looks like we can take care of the barn today - 3:00. IF it takes a major turn for the worse, I will post an email by 2:00 pm. If it looks like it is still "doable," then NO email.

Thanks everyone and dress warm.

ALSO - come hungry, we will have food (still trying to decide between pizza or lasagna).

Dr. Cox

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Barn Razing

Studio -
Those that would like to help (and get paid) move the sections of the barn back onto my property, here is the info:

3:00 pm
Sunday, 29 March 2009
About an hour
8-10 people
$20 per person

Please let me know if you are interested. We will do it rain or shine (unless really cold, snow or lightning). If I need to cancel it, I will send out an email through the blog. Dress appropriately. You might want to wear boots if you have them. I have work gloves.

Thanks in advance,

Dr. Cox

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Central Foundation and E2T2 Recital - Tonight

Just a reminder that the Central Foundation and E2T2 concert is tonight (Sunday, 22 March 2009) in Staples Family Recital Hall at 8:00 pm. Attendance is MANDATORY. See you there,

Dr. Cox

Monday, March 16, 2009

Studio Class - 17 March 2009

Studio class will be in the conference room, yes, the conference room for Tuesday. No instrument or mouthpiece. Two lectures, one from me on recital hearings at CMU and one from Eric and Seth - auditioning for graduate schools. The conference room is next to the mailboxes and elevator. Please enter from the hallway, not the main office.


Dr. Cox

Monday, March 2, 2009

Studio Class 3.3.09

Please bring your instruments to studio tomorrow (Tuesday). We will be in room 230.


Dr. Cox